Funeral Liturgy
Before the Funeral Mass
Viewing the Body
This practice is highly encouraged, because it helps remove doubts that the loved one has truly died. The body should be viewed at the funeral home. At the time of the Mass of Christian Burial the casket is closed; however, viewing may take place in the church/chapel or lobby of the church prior to the Mass. If the vigil/rosary is held in the church/chapel, viewing can take place in the church/chapel before and after the vigil service.
Funeral Mass and Vigil Times
Vigil services are usually held between 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. the day before the funeral. Funeral Masses generally will begin at 10:30 a.m., Monday - Saturday. This should be coordinated with the funeral director and the pastor. No funeral Masses may be scheduled for Sundays or holydays.
Options for Parts of the Funeral Mass
Sacred music is an integral part to the celebration of the funeral liturgy. The parish music director will work with you to plan the details of the funeral at OLPH. The selection of music must be liturgical and express our Christian belief in the gift of the Resurrection. Religious hymns should speak to the mysteries of our Faith regarding death and resurrection. While popular music may warm the hearts of those who are left behind, it may not replace sacred music, and is not suitable for a funeral liturgy. Such music is better suited to be played during the visitation or the luncheon, if applicable. Every effort should be made to accompany the funeral rites with appropriate hymns, responses, and acclamations. The parish music director will assist you and your family in selecting appropriate music for the Liturgy.
No pre-recorded music of any kind is permitted before or during the liturgy.
The suggested Mass readings are provided in the Order of Christian Funerals to give grieving families an opportunity to hear God speak to them within their fears, pain, and sorrow while offering hope. The biblical readings may never be replaced by non-biblical readings. The Word proclaimed is God’s way of speaking to us and should never be replaced by conventional wisdom or poetry.
If the family wishes to use additional readings that are not contained within The Order of Christian Funerals, they can do so at the conclusion of the Vigil for the Deceased, at the conclusion of the Rite of Committal, or during the funeral meal. Otherwise please discuss this with the celebrant of the services to make sure it is appropriate and in the family's best interest.
Two readings, a psalm, and a Gospel may be selected for use during the Funeral Liturgy from The Order of Christian Funerals. The first reading is taken from the Old Testament and the second is selected from the New Testament options. The responsorial psalm should always be sung. The psalm should never be replaced by a regular hymn which contains no psalmody. The Gospel may only be proclaimed by a priest or deacon. Per the ruling of the USCCB, only those priests or deacons who are in good standing, and granted faculties by the Diocese of Toledo in Ohio may celebrate, concelebrate, or preach at a funeral liturgy. Otherwise, if you know of a clergy member who meets these Church requirements and you prefer, and the clergyman is able, we welcome whoever you wish to serve your family's needs during this difficult time in your life.
General Intercessions
The General Intercessions are to be taken from The Order of Christian Funerals. There may be an addition of one or two personal petitions to the prescribed set, if approved by the Pastor prior to the day of the funeral.
The funeral liturgy of a loved one or a friend is a difficult time for everyone involved. In order to allow for a moment of personal sharing by a family member or a friend of the deceased, only one person may speak briefly after the closing prayer for a few brief minutes. Liturgical norms and personal experience have shown this to be most prudential way of sharing. If more time or additional presenters are necessary, another time such as the luncheon, the vigil, or the graveside would be a more appropriate place for additional sharing and healing.
After the Funeral Mass
You may choose to have a luncheon, after the funeral and burial, in the Meeting Rooms #1 or #2. Both are located off the back side of the church. There is easy handicap access to this area, with restrooms located down the hall.
Church Stipend and Fees
Most funeral directors itemize all costs within their billings. This is something that should be discussed with them. Included should be payments for these services:
Church Stipend: $200 which includes hall fee for luncheon.
Priest/Deacon: Suggested donation of $100.
Organist $150.
Cantor $100.
Servers $20 per server.
Click to download a list of suggested songs for funerals.